lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014


Latin America is a very diversity continent, we can find a lot of subculture. One of this is AfroLatinos. A culture with many history and traditions. But they have a cruel history, history that is repeat nowadays. The AfroLatinos descend to a slavery culture but this happened 200 year ago, and today there are people that still see afrolatinos like that. The most of the Latin America countries establish a iguality principle, but what happed with this principle that not is apply to afro people?.
I had the opportunity to see some videos about how afro people in differents countries are discriminate. The country and the society don't allow this people have their own development. I could see countries where this people don't have citizen and they can get a job or eduction. In countries like Ecuador, radio station transmitted offensive's song about the Afro.
In my opinion is time to stop this, they are people like us, they have the same rights and the same capacity. The society proclaims the iguality and is searching it, but set asaide this group of people, that have a lot a cuality and contribute to the countries identidy. 

I want to share this video about the racism in Peru


2 comentarios:

  1. Thank you for sharing that video, Lorena. How did you find it? Had you seen it before we watched the videos in class, or after?

  2. Hi teacher,
    I found the video after the class, because i was searching the video that we see, and i think that this video is very clear and realistic, about what happen in Latin America
