In Colombia the majority of the graffiti is about the polical system amd about the violence, in this country the people want to express their non conformity about the situacion that the county live. In the other hand we appreciate imagines that show the multiculture, that we find in Colombia, a big example is see imagines inspire in indginous stuff.
Buenos Aries, Argentina is like a street art galery, there are a lot of graffiti around the city. This already is part of the culture, the people are agree with that, they say that this provide more joy to the city. There is a student that do city tours to show the touris the different paints. And like in another country the artist use them to show the reality about country, to show what is bad and how they want to change it.
In Honduras a country that is know for their violence, the graffiti is the way to say what they feel. The artist don't revelate their identidy for segurity, but the share the way to express their message.It's like other countries, is normal people that want to say their opinion and their ideas, and the goverment don't listen to them, and have share other ways to say.
I consider that graffiti is a form of noverbal comunication, and this have to be promote. But for real people that want to express ideas, no for people that use this with bad proposite, the art could be a projection about our soul and our sencivity, no ways to ofend and be vulgar.
Hi Lorena, nice post! I agree with you, the Urban art is a way to express ideas, emotions, feelings without affecting the people's sense. Because the idea is to impact the feelings of the observer, not to contaminate. Fortunately Barranquilla is good in this aspect, the urban art has been promoted by a great group of talented artists.